With regards to the unique chicken that defeated the world on all fours and from the inside out.

Is this just a joke of nature or is there really human intervention?

Get your spirits up because you’re about to get a chance to see first-hand what’s been called the “Lamborghini of chickens”. In fact, this is the Indonesian Ayam Cemani – an extremely rare breed of poultry, and perhaps it is not difficult to see why. Everything present in relation to it is black: its fur, its beak, its tongue, its legs, its toenails, even its flesh, bones and organs! The only thing that didn’t match was the blood color, although the shade was also noticeably darker than usual.

As for the name, the word “Ayam” means “chicken” in Indonesian, and “Cemani” refers to the “totally black” appearance in Javanese. The breed’s unique coloration comes from a genetic code called “fibromelanosis”. It is impossible to understand who can eat meat with such a different color, but don’t think that its value is as trivial as a fast food. On the contrary, a single chicken can be equivalent to up to 2,500 USD! Normally, 15 chickens of the popular variety cost only $85, or slightly higher – $149 for more special varieties.

There are also quite a few unfounded rumors as well as perceptions and misconceptions about the appearance of this unique chicken. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll be completely absorbed and more or less extremely interesting:


Want to own? 2000 USD is not a small amount of money!


If you have a need to buy a pair of Ayam Cemani chickens immediately, you will have the opportunity to get a discount at the Green Fire farm located in Florida, USA. It sounds crazy, but what’s better than owning the most unique chicken breed in the world, right?

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