Mischievous Lion Cub Shares Joyful Mud-Rolling Episode with Mother in Kenya’s Masai Mara

These naughty lion cubs found themselves in trouble with their mum after ending up covered in mud.

The mischievous duo and their mum were spotted by professional wildlife photographer Andy Rouse during a visit to the Masai Mara in Kenya.

On the first day the two young cubs were the picture of innocence with wide eyes and fluffy, spotlessly clean coats.

Terrible twosome: The baby lion cubs had fun during their day out on the Masai Mara in Kenya

Mischievous: These naughty lion cubs found themselves in trouble with mum who had to give them a telling off

Told off: There was hell to pay when this adult lion caught up with her naughty cubs

We’re just playing: A lioness reprimands her naughty cub in the Masai MaraHowever, when Mr Rouse returned the next day to spend more time with the family the cubs looked very different indeed.

For at some point they had managed to get themselves coated from head to tail in mud.

And when mum caught sight of them there was hell to pay.

Spotting one of her rowdy offspring the mother lion sprang forward to intercept them.

You’re grounded: The muddy cub got a good telling off by its mother

In the bad books: The mischievous duo and their mum were spotted by professional wildlife photographer Andy Rouse during a visit to the Masai Mara in Kenya

Throwing a tantrum: Like all babies, this cub had a cry when it was told off by its motherThe impish cub appeared to attempt a getaway but soon knew the game was up and that he had been well and truly collared.

Speaking about the encounter Mr Rouse said: ‘I have no idea what they had been into overnight to get so mucky but clearly it had been fun.

‘It was an amazing privilege to watch them play with mum and with each other.

‘They were so sweet that I loved watching their antics. They pulled each other’s tails, jumped all over mum and generally created havoc in the name of fun’.

On the second day of his trip to Masai Mara, Mr Rouse noticed the cubs had managed to get themselves very muddy

Mischievous: These naughty lion cubs found themselves in trouble with mum who had to give them a telling off

Cute: On the first day the cubs were the picture of innocence with wide eyes and fluffy, spotlessly clean coats

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