Object suspected of being a three-sided pyramid on Mars

A UFO hunter is convinced that the three-sided pyramid-shaped object in NASA’s photos of Mars is the work of aliens.

Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, attracted attention when he announced the discovery of a giant three-sided pyramid from a photo taken by the orbiting spacecraft Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) more than a decade ago. century, according to IFL Science. “The pyramid has one smooth side, but the other two sides have been severely eroded. This may be a structure built by aliens during settlement,” Scott said.

The photo was taken with a HiRISE camera among the equipment on the MRO ship. The scale of the photo is 26 cm/pixel, so the object in the photo is about 40 x 30 meters, much smaller than the smallest pyramid in Giza, Egypt.

The object is located in the Candor Chasma region, one of the largest canyons in Valles Marineris, the second longest and deepest canyon system in the solar system. The object’s sharp edges and eroded surface closely resemble the surrounding area. Most likely, the object in the photo is just a natural structure.

According to NASA, all detections of strange objects through the probe’s photos of Mars are just the result of the pareidolia illusion. This phenomenon makes people tend to imagine familiar images from unrelated objects.

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