The man built a UFO landing site on orders from aliens

A Swiss man who claimed to have been directed by aliens to build a UFO landing site took many years to build the star-shaped structure.

A UFO (unidentified flying object) landing site made of white and brown rocks arranged in a star shape called ovniport appeared in the small town of Cachi in Salta province, Argentina, Long Room reported yesterday. The structure was built by a Swiss man named Werner Jaisli, who came to the area to search for aliens.

After arriving in Argentina, Jaisli shared that she received a “telepathic message” from aliens telling her that she needed to find a place to land on Earth. “They landed and hovered high above us, about 100 meters above our heads, shining a beam of light towards us. The interesting thing is that the beam of light did not affect our vision. Something passed through my brain. It was an order. Through telepathy, they asked me to build an airport,” Argentine newspaper El Tribuno quoted Jaisli as saying.

Jaisli immediately got to work, creating a large star in 2008 with 36 points and a diameter of 48 meters. Jaisli also worked as a smaller star and did not complete the work until 2012. The structure has become an attraction for UFO hunters who hope to make contact with creatures from another world.

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