The world has learned a lesson from a malformed dog whose owner abandoned him since he was born with only two legs.

Because he was born with only two legs, his owner gave him up.

A small dog in the United States was born with a birth defect on the evening of Christmas Eve in the year 2002. The dog has only three legs, one of which is severely deformed and therefore cannot be used in any way.

It’s possible that this is what causes the mother dog to abandon her pup and stop nursing her.


The owner felt bad when he saw the condition of his puppy, which was born with a deformity that caused it to have only two hind legs. He also saw that the puppy’s health was not good, which led him to believe that the puppy could not be saved, so he threw it out onto the street.

She was fortunate in that the mother and daughter duo who went by the name Jude Stringfellow saw the little dog and took care of it.

The tiny dog eventually came back to but was in a very fragile state when it did so.

At that time, everybody believed that this poor dog wouldn’t make it through the night.


The little girl’s front legs were taken away. Photo: baijiahao

So, many people told Jude Stringfellow to give the poor little dog an injection to kill it.

But Jude’s family chose to take her in and care for her.

At the same time, Mrs. Jude named the little dog Faith, which means “faith.”

She hopes that the little dog will help her believe in miracles and keep her faith.


The two-legged journey of faith

At first, Faith had trouble with the skateboard Mrs. Jude had made for her.

Faith had to move for a long time by leaning on the skateboard and putting her back legs forward. But after that, Mrs. Jude used jumping exercises to teach Faith how to stand up straight. This makes Faith’s back legs stronger and makes it easier for her to stand up straight. Faith worked hard for a half year before she could finally stand up straight and run anywhere she wanted on her back legs. And the park is one of Faith’s favorite places to go. Here, the dog is happy and carefree as it plays with everyone. Faith ran and jumped on her own two feet with ease.


Faith quickly becomes the center of attention because she can walk on two legs. When everyone heard Faith’s story, they were very moved and said it was hard to believe that such a small dog could have such a big spirit.

So, everyone loved and looked up to Faith a lot.

The small dog and his ability to make people feel better

Faith became well-known quickly because she was born with a defect but then learned to walk on her own. She has been on many TV shows.


Also, many newspapers have written stories about this unique dog.

Faith even has a book called “With a Little Faith” that she wrote herself.

After that, Faith became a “healing psychologist” and helped wounded soldiers deal with their emotional pain after the war.

At the same time, she is the one who gives seriously ill people in the hospital a reason to live and the will to fight their illness.


Faith became a therapist for a lot of people. Internet: Picture

Later, Miss Jude Stringfellow decided to quit her job as a teacher and make plans to travel the world with Faith.

With the message I want to tell everyone: “Even if you don’t have a perfect body, remember that you can still have a perfect soul.”


Mrs. Jude Stringfellow and Faith liked being with each other. Photo:Internet


We hope that the story of this little dog will teach us to have more faith, work harder, and never give up on fate.

This is like the saying, “When God shuts one door, He opens another for us.”

As long as you can keep going through that hard time, you can win everything.


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