Mysterious floating city UFO discovered in Dulali village

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), also known as flying saucers, are a paranormal phenomenon that has been reported worldwide. According to residents of the small border village of Dulali in Lanzai…

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A fleet of disc shaped UFOs hides among the clouds in the sky over the Russian River

On a cloudy day in Russia, a strange sight caught the attention of several witnesses: a fleet of UFOs hovering over a river. Eyewitnesses reported seeing multiple saucer-shaped objects emitting…

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Mysterious ‘bulging triangle UFO’ was spotted in the sky over Islamabad for two hours

Alien hunters were left stunned after a “bulging triangle UFO” was filmed lurking over a major city for two hours. The unusual object was spotted prowling the skies of Islamabad,…

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Former employees of Area 51 reveal secrets about spaceships hidden in the S4 facility

Bob Lazar has generated a lot of deЬаte and discussion in the paranormal community. According to Lazar’s allegations, he гeⱱeгѕe-engineered UFOs at a top-ѕeсгet facility called S4 (Sector Four), which is close to the renowned гeѕtгісted military site …

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The US Space Force confirmed the discovery of a strange object landing in the Pacific Ocean

According to a newly made public classified government document, in addition to entering the Solar System in 2014, an interplanetary object also landed on eагtһ and its remnants feɩɩ into…

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Mysterious metal ball found in Mexico after “falling from the sky”

A large metal sphere has been found in Mexico, leading people to speculate that it is part of an alien spacecraft (as well as some much more educated guesses). The…

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Revealing the mysteries of UFO cases in Valensole

In the heart of the picturesque Provence region of France lies a tranquil, lavender-filled plateau known as Valensole. This idyllic landscape, with its stunning vistas and fragrant lavender fields, was the backdrop for an extraordinary event that etched …

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Ancient artifacts show the presence of aliens on earth

In the vast expanse of the universe, the notion of extraterrestrial beings has fascinated humanity for centuries. While science fiction has often fueled our imaginations with tales of close encounters…

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Delve into the mystery behind the Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, located in the North Atlantic Ocean, has long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue. This region has gained notoriety for unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft over…

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The mystery of Area 51 and the most famous UFO legends in America

Nestled within the Nevada desert, Area 51 is a U.S. Air Force military installation that has become synonymous with UFO conspiracy theories and unexplained phenomena. Its secretive nature and connection…

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