UFO Sighting in Portsmouth: Unidentified Disc-Shaped Object Seen Flying Over the Sky

Thousands of miles from suspected alien crash sites, the people of Portsmouth have good reason to consider themselves safe from the prying eyes of extra-terrestrials. But images shared by residents of what appears to be a UFO earlier this week suggest …

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It is approaching us. Visitors on the beach are stunned by a black-ringed UFO

CROWDS were left in awe when a black, ringed UFO flew in the skies above a packed beach in Dalian, China. Strange footage emerged online of a object appearing in the sky over Jinshitan beach in the city. The video shows the object floating among the clouds …

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The Dominican Republic witnesses a fleet of mysterious flying objects during the day

For several months, cameras around the world have captured fleets of UFOs entering the Earth. Now, it is the turn of the Dominican Republic, where witnesses spotted a series of unidentified objects in the skies. The sighting of a fleet of UFOs flying …

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Above El Paso, a black cube-shaped UFO emerges from a doorway

I thoroughly enjoy writing about UFOs and Aliens just as much as I like eating chocolate cakes. I’m hopelessly optimistic and genuinely believe that people don’t deliberately hoax UFO videos. I’m naive maybe but that’s only because. I believe that people …

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Unidentified Triangle-Shaped Item Seen Close to the Italian-French Border

Recently, a Facebook video of an unidentified triangle-shaped flying object near the French-Italian border has caught the attention of many. The object is believed to be of extraterrestrial origin and belonging to a distant planet. In the video, we can …

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Huge UFO Mothership Enters Turkey Via Interdimensional Portal in Mind-Blowing Arrival

Recently, a video has been making rounds on Facebook showing what appears to be a UFO mothership arriving in Turkey through an interdimensional portal. The video, which has garnered a lot of attention and debate among conspiracy theorists and skeptics …

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In an Indian state, a luminous, triangular-shaped UFO was spotted in the sky

This is something different. This is not the sun. I believe this is not a UFO, this is something else,” says the eyewitness in the video.YouTube conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru has now appeared in the skies and is now on a collision course …

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A doorbell camera got an incredible footage of a huge translucent UFO flying over Raytown, Missouri

Something extremely weird was seen in the sky above Raytown, Missouri, and Doc O’Liarday has studied the data in UFO Casebook. A doorbell camera shows what looks like a traпslυceпt UFO slowly moviпg over Raytowп, Missoυri. Eyewitпess states: “Uпkпowп …

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The UFO sped into the water to escape the military plane, shocking the fishermen as it did so

This is probably the best and most interesting UFO sighting ever . that has ever been captured on camera. Probably because the fisherman and his crew were in the right place at the right time. Filmed by Spanish fishermen , the video was first posted on …

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Video Evidence of UFOs in the New Jersey Region

In the United States, people have seen more and more UFOs (unidentified flying objects) in recent years. People, the media, and even government officials are very curious about these mysterious objects, which are often called “flying saucers” or “crafts …

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