Unique Abodes: Houses Crafted Using the World’s Most Unconventional Materials

Using airports, warships or nuclear missile silos, many people have their own ways to make their lives unique.

The American town of Barr Nunn, Wyoming was actually built on the site of an old airport called Wardwell Field. As you can see in the photos, the roads here are runways originally for airplanes. Even the roadside warning lights are still intact.


This area in Russia has appeared in the famous fighting game Call of Duty. Luckily, many land squatters have come and built unkempt high-rise buildings in this place. And because of illegal occupation, they cannot hire an architect to plan the land, leading to many places that have no sunlight at all throughout the year. It is estimated that there are up to 300 adjacent blocks of houses with all the chaos and filth.

During World War II, many gun emplacements in the North Sea were built by the United Kingdom to defend against German bombers. One of them has now been “occupied” by Paddy Roy Bates – a strong man who claimed ownership of this gun emplacement and established a country with its own currency and passport… Of course the British government wants to collect it. at this gun emplacement, but they forgot that its location was in international territorial waters, so Bates’s actions were not illegal.



To lead a monastic life away from the world, monks in Xuan Kong Si, China built a temple with utopian architecture. That is, they used hard wooden bars drilled deep into the mountain rock to build the temple. Worth mentioning is that it was built in the 16th century and is still in normal use.

After the second Arab-Israeli war in 1956, 15 warships were abandoned. Spending leisurely days doing relaxing tasks or fishing, the sailors decided to turn them into exciting entertainment areas such as a movie theater, a stadium on the ship…


The temples in Xuan Kong Si may make many people concerned about their safety, but that is nothing compared to the tolerance of the people of Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain. For hundreds of years, they have built houses inside rock crevices that can weigh up to millions of tons. This tradition is still continuing today, despite continuous safety warnings issued by the government.


During the cold war, the US and the Soviet Union always pointed nuclear missiles towards each other to be ready for a war of destruction that could take place at any time. Therefore, there are many nuclear missile silos in the US that have been built and wasted over time. Quite a few of them have been bought by people for housing, although of course they cannot own the rocket that was once here.


Neft Dashlari is a city on the sea built by Russia in the 50s of the last century. It is considered a transfer station of the oil exploitation area with dozens of drilling rigs connected by an intricate network of bridges. Although they are just simple houses, they contain all the necessary equipment for life including a bakery, hotel or wine bar. Even so, about 75% of the project has rusted, but people refuse to leave because the oil has not been fully exploited (estimated to be 30 years away).

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